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Empowering the Feminine

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“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretence and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”

Maya Angelou

The Philosophy

FemQuish is a movement to empower the feminine energy on this planet, where the first step is healing our women, to find their authentic wild spirit, to undo the patriarchal conditioning and step into their true inner power.

No matter what gender you identify, we all have feminine and masculine energy, our modern society focuses on (wounded) masculine energy, causing an imbalance. Therefore it is not about dismissing masculine energy, it is about restoring the balance between both and this balance is different for everyone!

Many women feel a sense of disconnect from themselves as they predominately spend time in their masculine energy.

A woman moves differently when she embraces her feminine energy and life force, she is connected, intuitive and not concerned to "play herself down" to fit in, she sets her boundaries and knows her worth, she will at any given time show up as her true self.

Our entire society could benefit from stepping more in our feminine energy, allowing us to feel safe to express our emotions and nurture ourselves and the planet to live through love.

It is not about becoming something, it is about unbecoming. There is not one way to embracing your feminine, each journey is unique!

The Ideology

"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about."

– Margaret J. Wheatley

Healing Programs

In collaboration with reputable and heart centred healers & coaches, we offer healing programs, workshops and retreats in Europe.

Integration Coaching

A spiritual awakening is often an intense process, even though you are the only one who can do the work, it doesn't mean you have to do it all alone.

Collective of genuine healers

There are many many spiritual leaders, healers and coaches these days. By identifying the reputable ones, we aim to find the most authentic experiences and healers where you can safely do the work and open your soul.

Eco - Projects

We are failing our planet and ourselves, the time is more urgent than ever to change our behavior and make a shift into living a more sustainable lifestyle. We are planning eco lifestyle projects to support a new way of living and working.

Healing is not about becoming perfect, but about being whole



1:1 & Group Sessions



Tailored Mindfulness Programs for Corporates

discover yourself

Cacao Ceremony


1:1 & Group sessions for Hotels & Resorts

Let’s Connect



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